Losing Weight with The Faith Diet Review by Simon White

The importance of keeping the weight normal will lower the risk of getting sick. Also, studies have shown that being overweight and obese is related to heart disease and stroke, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. Moreover, the family history of having heart diseases posed a higher risk.

This Faith Diet Program review will explain the ingredients and list of natural foods that can aid in losing weight and shedding fats naturally based from the Bible.

Who is Father White?

The author of the Faith Diet is Simon White, also known as Father White was a former Military Chaplain. He is not only focused on serving God, but he also aimed to help Christians from keeping healthy from losing weight naturally in spite of modernization.
The idea of the program is using the natural ingredients included in the meal diet that was basically based from the Bible.

Most importantly, he also emphasized the importance of balanced exercise and meal diet to lose weight effectively. There are some people who consistently perform the exercises but do not even shed excess fats and lose weight because the diet was not right.

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Although, he mentioned that there are natural foods that can be included in the diet there is the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S. together with the atheists, who hindered the Americans from understanding that there is a natural medicine introduced by the Bible.

The program started when Michael was an expelled medical student. He shared his 150 pages notebook containing the medical discoveries that contains the natural ingredients of the food. Simon and Michael carefully studied the list of foods and its benefits.


The program explains the natural methods and foods based from the Bible that were used by the ancient people. It is not difficult to follow the program because all the ingredients are natural.

In reality, it is difficult to achieve the normal weight even if doing the exercise consistently. However, the main reason of not losing weight is because of the diet. Additionally, it is the eating habits that even contribute to become overweight. Nevertheless, it reveals that there are natural ingredients that the program can contribute.

On the other hand, the author and his wife also used this program to shed excess fats in their bodies. The importance of following the guidelines of the Faith Diet Program will also help remove toxins from the body as well as boost the health of the person. Moreover, the diet will also improve the important function of the body where in the body can burn the fats naturally.

The benefits

The Faith Diet Program helped a lot of people because of the benefits of the program. Simon had listed the 12 effective ingredients that can help get rid of the fat in the stomach. The program is presented in an 88-page guide. Listed below are the examples of the benefits of the program.

  • It restores the body by eliminating toxins in the body aside from shedding excess fats in the body.
  • The program introduces proper diet and exercise that can help to manage a normal weight. It is difficult to lose weight, especially when people get older because the metabolism changes and slows down and it is easier to gain more pounds.
  • Can still enjoy food without starving. However, the meal diet should be in minimal amount and no junk foods included.
  • Simon provided a 21-day start guide where in it includes video, list of foods, and meal planning. The program will make life easier. Also, the exercises will last up to 3 minutes only. Likewise, the meal preparation is also easy because of the advance copy of the shopping list.
  • The program provided the customers a 60-day money back guarantee which ensures that the product is not a scam. Hence, it must help people to lose weight and shed excess fats naturally using the diet based from the Bible. If unsatisfied with the product, anytime they can return the money.

Specifically, the benefits of the program will be explained with the following topics below.

Chapter I: Fat loss and why Your Age is not against you

Chapter 2: The hormone reset for rapid fat loss

Chapter 3: The ketogenic way to rapid fat loss

Chapter 4: The 7-day meal plan

Chapter 5: The High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) way to rapid fat loss

Chapter 6: Fat loss life skills

Chapter 7: Now, it’s up to you

On the other hand, weight loss is a choice. The person should desire to achieve a normal weight. If you decide to enjoy the benefits of the program, itt is available online amounting to $37 only. Also, there will be more exciting included in the program which is free of charge.

  • Lazarus Discovery: Fat Healing System
  • Prayer Disciple Relaxation Guide
  • The Guardian Angel: Fat Burning Encyclopedia
  • What Would Christ Eat? The Food Shopping Gospel

Even the program offers effective weight loss. However, it might not work for everyone because the body’s metabolism works differently. Thus, proper mind-setting and positive motivations are important in aiming that normal weight. Additionally, another challenge of using the program because the details are in pdf format which is saved in a gadget and not everyone are comfortable in using gadgets.

Nevertheless, there are positive reviews that can be read online.

Christian tried to do exercises like walking and jogging just to eliminate excess fats in the body but he failed. When he heard about Faith Diet Program he tried it. Gladly, he loses 30 pounds in just a few weeks. Also, his belly and waistline was well-toned. Additionally, he gained more self-confidence for himself.

Faith Diet Program Review: Recommendation and Conclusion

The program is designed for weight loss that can be used by someone even with busy schedules. However, the product is not designed for everyone because there are non-Christians who will not agree on the biblical principles. Also, people during the ancient times eat healthy foods and they live longer. Perhaps, modern people can adopt the foods they were eating.

Overall, the Faith Diet Program is strongly recommended especially for Christians who aimed and believe the importance of keeping oneself healthy. Also, there are positive reviews of the product online which means that the product is possibly the answer to their prayers. Most importantly, the lists of foods provided by Simon are all natural without side effects. However, patience and determination are important.

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